Augeas Lens Index
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 save_entry, Redis
 savedefault, Grub
 schedule, Cron
 screen, Xorg
 script, Xymon_Alerting
 search, Resolv
 section, Xorg
 section_entry, Xorg
 selectors, Syslog
 semicol, Channels
 sensor, Ntpd
 sep_base64, Ldif
 sep_line, Ldif
 sep_moddir, Solaris_System
 sep_modspec, Ldif
 sep_record, Ldif
 sep_semi, Up2date
 sep_space, Modprobe
 sep_spc, Keepalived
 sep_url, Ldif
 sep_ws, Aptsources
 serial, Grub
 server, Ntpd
 servers, Ntpd
 set, BootConf
 set_sep_spc, Solaris_System
 set_value, Solaris_System
 set_var, Solaris_System
 setkey, Grub
 setting, Puppet_Auth
 settings, Chrony
 shell, Passwd
 shell_command, Hosts_Access
 simple, Nginx
 single_command, BootConf
 single_entry, Up2date
 slaveof_entry, Redis
 smtp_check_field, Keepalived
 smtp_host_check_field, Keepalived
 softdep, Modprobe
 sortlist, Resolv
 spc, Grub
 spec, Sudoers
 spec_list, Sudoers
 Split, Util
 squote_opt_nil, Test_Quote
 squote_spaces, Quote
 ssl_options, Rabbitmq
 standard_entry, Redis
 static_ipaddress_field, Keepalived
 static_routes, Keepalived
 static_routes_field, Keepalived
 sto_bool, Host_Conf
 sto_bool_warn, Host_Conf
 sto_email_addr, Keepalived
 sto_line, Modules
 sto_no_colons, Modprobe
 sto_no_spaces, Modprobe
 sto_num, Keepalived
 sto_to_colon, Hosts_Access
 sto_value, Systemd
 sto_value_single, Systemd
 sto_word, Keepalived
 stop, Xymon_Alerting
 store_address, Chrony
 store_word, Xymon_Alerting
 stratum_re, Ntpd
 stty, BootConf
 switch, Grub
 switch_arg, Grub
let save_entry = [ indent . key save . del_ws_spc . seconds . del_ws_spc . keys . eol ]
Entries identified by the “save” keyword can be found more than once.
let savedefault = [ command "savedefault" "\t" . (spc . store Rx.integer)? . eol ]
let schedule = [ label "schedule" . Util.del_str "@" . store schedule_re ]
Time in the format “@keyword”
let screen = [ indent . del /[sS]creen/ "Screen" . label "Screen" . [ sep_spc . label "num" . store int ]? . ( sep_spc . quoted_string_val . [ sep_spc . label "position" . store to_eol ]? )? . eol ]
The Screen entry of ServerLayout
let script = [ key "SCRIPT" . ws . [ label "script" . store_word ] . ws . [ label "recipient" . store_word ] . filters_opt ]
The script recipient definition
let search = Build.key_value_line_comment "search" (Build.opt_list [label "domain" . store Rx.word] comment_eol
let section = [ indent . del "Section" "Section" . sep_spc . sep_dquote . key (section_re|section_re_obsolete) . sep_dquote . eol . section_entry* . indent . del "EndSection" "EndSection" . eol ]
A section in xorg.conf
let section_entry = option | screen | display | extmod | input_device | driver | identifier | videoram | default_depth | device | entry_generic | empty | comment
let selectors = label_opt_list "selector" selector semicolon
a list of selectors, separated by semicolons
let semicol = Util.del_str ";"
let sensor = let device = [ label "device" . store device_re ] in let correction = opt_value "correction" correction_re in let weight = opt_value "weight" weight_re in let refid = opt_value "refid" refid_re in let stratum = opt_value "stratum" stratum_re in [ key "sensor" . space . device . (space . correction)? . (space . weight)? . (space . refid)? . (space . stratum)? . eol ]
sensor device [correction microseconds] [weight weight-value] [refid string] [stratum stratum-value]
let sep = IniFile.sep IniFile.sep_re IniFile.sep_default
let sep = IniFile.sep "=" "="
let sep = IniFile.sep /=[ \t]*/ "="
let sep = Util.del_ws_tab
The separator for network/mask entries
let sep = del /([ \t]+)|([ \t]*=[ \t]*)/ " = "
Key and values are separated by either spaces or an equal sign
let sep = IniFile.sep "=" "="
An IniFile.sep entry
let sep = IniFile.sep IniFile.sep_default IniFile.sep_default
let sep = IniFile.sep "=" "="
An IniFile.sep entry
let sep_base64 = del /::[ \t]*/ ":: "
The separator for attributes and base64 encoded values
let sep_colon = del /:[ \t]*/ ": "
The separator for attributes and values
let sep_colon = del /:[ \t]*/ ": "
The separator for database entries
let sep_colon = del /:[ \t]*/ ": "
The separator for key/value entries
let sep_line = empty | comment
let sep_moddir = del /[: ]+/ " "
The separator of directories in a moddir search path
let sep_modspec = Util.del_str "-" . eol
Separator between modify operations
let sep_record = ( sep_line | attr_include )*
let sep_semi = Sep.semicolon
let sep_space = del /([ \t]|(\\\\\n))+/ " "
let sep_spc =
The separator for attributes and URL-sourced values
let sep_ws = del /[ \t]+/ " "
let serial = [ command "serial" "" . [ spc . switch_arg /unit|port|speed|word|parity|stop|device/ ]* . eol ]
let server = let addr = [ label "address" . store address_re ] in key_opt_weight_rtable_line "server" addr
server address [weight weight-value] [rtable table-id]
let servers = let addr = [ label "address" . store address_re ] in key_opt_weight_rtable_line "servers" addr
servers address [weight weight-value] [rtable table-id]
let service = [ label "service" . store Rx.word ]
The service specification like `files’, `db’, or `nis’
let service = kw_word /(EX)?SERVICE/
The (ex)?service filter definition
let set = Build.key_value "set" space (key_opt_value_line set_cmd (store Rx.space_in))
set [varname [value]]
let set_sep_spc = Util.del_opt_ws " "
let set_value = [ label "value" . store Rx.no_spaces ]
Sets an integer value or char pointer
let set_var = [ label "variable" . store Rx.word ]
Loads the variable name from a set command, no module
let setkey = [ command "setkey" "" . ( spc . [ label "to" . store Rx.no_spaces ] . spc . [ label "from" . store Rx.no_spaces ] )? . eol ]
let setting = list "environment" Rx.word | list "method" /find|search|save|destroy/ | list "allow" /[^# \t\n,][^#\n,]*[^# \t\n,]|[^# \t\n,]/ | list "allow_ip" /[A-Za-z0-9.:\/]+/ | auth
let settings = host_list | log_list | bcast | fdrift | istepslew | local | email | makestep | maxchange | kv | all_flags
All supported chrony settings
let shell = [ label "shell" . sto_to_eol? ]
let shell_command = [ label "shell_command" . store shell_command_rx ]
let shellvar = Cron.shellvar
A shell variable in crontab
let shellvar = let key_re = /[A-Za-z-1-9_]+(\[[0-9]+\])?/ - "entry" in let sto_to_eol = store /[^\n]*[^ \t\n]/ in [ key key_re . sep_eq . sto_to_eol . eol ]
A shell variable in crontab
let simple = let kw = Rx.word - block_re_all in let sto = store /[^ \t\n;][^;]*/ . Sep.semicolon in [ Util.indent . key kw . . sto . (Util.eol|Util.comment_eol) ]
A simple entry
let single = let body = store /[^\n]*/ in do_squote body
A single-quoted value
let single = [ label "single" . Quote.single ]
let single_command = let line_re = /help|time|reboot/ in [ Util.indent . key line_re . eol ]
single command such as ‘help’ or ‘time’
let single_entry = [ label "value" . store value_re ]
let single_opt = let body = store single_opt_re in do_squote_opt body
An optionaly single-quoted value Single quotes are not allowed in value Value cannot begin or end with spaces
let single_opt = [ label "single_opt" . Quote.single_opt ]
let slaveof_entry = [ indent . key slaveof . del_ws_spc . ip . del_ws_spc . port . eol ]
Entries identified by the “slaveof” keyword can be found more than once.
let smtp_check_field = let word_re = "connect_ip" | "bindto" in let num_re = "connect_timeout" | "retry" | "delay_before_retry" in let to_eol_re = "helo_name" in field word_re sto_word | field num_re sto_num | field to_eol_re sto_to_eol | block "host" smtp_host_check_field
let smtp_host_check_field = let word_re = "connect_ip" | "bindto" in let num_re = "connect_port" in field word_re sto_word | field num_re sto_num
let softdep = let premod = [ label "pre" . sep_space . sto_no_colons ] in let pre = sep_space . Util.del_str "pre:" . premod+ in let postmod = [ label "post" . sep_space . sto_no_colons ] in let post = sep_space . Util.del_str "post:" . postmod+ in [ key "softdep" . sep_space . sto_no_colons . pre? . post? . Util.comment_or_eol ]
let sortlist = Build.key_value_line_comment "sortlist" (Build.opt_list ipaddr comment_eol
let space = Util.del_ws_spc
Separation between key and value
let space =
let space = Util.del_ws_spc
Separation between key and value
let space =
let space = del /[ \t\n]*/ ""
let space =
let space_or_eol = del /([ \t]*\n)?[ \t]+/ " "
let space_or_eol (sep:regexp) (default:string) = del (space_or_eol_re? . sep . space_or_eol_re?) default
let spc = Util.del_ws_spc
let spec = [ label "spec" . indent . alias_list "user" sto_to_com_user . sep_cont . Build.opt_list spec_list sep_col . comment_or_eol ]
A user specification, listing colon-separated spec_lists
let spec_list = [ label "host_group" . alias_list "host" sto_to_com_host . sep_eq . cmnd_spec_list ]
Group of hosts with cmnd_spec_list
let squote_opt_nil = let body = store Quote.single_opt_re in [ label "squote_opt_nil" . Quote.do_squote_opt_nil body ]?
let squote_spaces (lns:lens) =
Make single quotes mandatory if value contains spaces, and optional if value doesn’t contain spaces.
let ssl_options = let option = Erlang.value /((ca)?cert|key)file/ Erlang.path | Erlang.value "verify" Erlang.bare | Erlang.value "verify_fun" Erlang.boolean | Erlang.value /fail_if_no_peer_cert|reuse_sessions/ Erlang.boolean | Erlang.value "depth" Erlang.integer | Erlang.value "password" Erlang.quoted in Erlang.list "ssl_options" option
(Incomplete) list of SSL options
let standard_entry = let reserved_k = "save" | "rename-command" | "slaveof" | "client-output-buffer-limit" in let entry_noempty = [ indent . key k . del_ws_spc . Quote.do_quote_opt_nil (store v) . eol ] in let entry_empty = [ indent . key (k - reserved_k) . del_ws_spc . dquote . store "" . dquote . eol ] in entry_noempty | entry_empty
A standard entry is a key-value pair, separated by blank space, with optional blank spaces at line beginning & end.
let static_ipaddress_field = [ indent . ipaddr . (sep_spc . ipdev)? . comment_or_eol ]
The whole string is fed to ip addr add.
let static_routes = block "static_ipaddress" static_ipaddress_field | block "static_routes" static_routes_field
let static_routes_field = [ indent . label "route" . [ key "src" . sto_word ] . sep_spc . [ key "to" . sto_word ] . sep_spc . [ key "dev" . sto_word ] . comment_or_eol ]
src $SRC_IP to $DST_IP dev $SRC_DEVICE
let sto_bool = store ("on"|"off")
Store a boolean value
let sto_bool_warn = store ("on"|"off"|"warn"|"nowarn")
Store a boolean value
let sto_email_addr = store Rx.email_addr
let sto_line = store /[^# \t\n].*[^ \t\n]|[^# \t\n]/
let sto_no_colons = store /[^:# \t\n\\\\]+/
let sto_no_spaces = store /[^# \t\n\\\\]+/
let sto_num = store Rx.relinteger
let sto_to_colon = store /[^ \t\n:=][^\n:]*((\\\\:|\\\\[ \t]*\n[ \t]+)[^\n:]*)*[^ \\\t\n:]|[^ \t\n:\\\\]/
Allows escaped colon sequences
let sto_to_eol = store /[^#! \t\n][^#!\n]*[^#! \t\n]|[^#! \t\n]/
let sto_to_eol = store /(([^# \t\n\\\\][^#\n\\\\]*[ \t]*\\\\[ \t]*\n[ \t]*)*([^# \t\n\\\\][^#\n\\\\]*[^# \t\n\\\\]|[^# \t\n\\\\])|[^# \t\n\\\\])/
let sto_value = store /[^# \t\n]*[^# \t\n\\]/
let sto_value_single = Util.del_opt_ws "" . store (value_single_re . (/\\\\\n/ . value_single_re)*)
Support multiline values with a backslash
let sto_word = store word
let stop = flag_filters_opt "STOP"
The stop recipient definition
let store_address = [ label "address" . store address_re ]
let store_word = store /[^ =\t\n#]+/
let stratum_re = /1[0-5]|[1-9]/
value between 1 and 15
let stty = let device = [ label "device" . store fspath ] in let speed = [ label "speed" . store Rx.integer ] in key_opt_value_line "stty" (device . (space . speed)?)
stty [device [speed]]
let switch (n:regexp) = dels "--" . key n
let switch_arg (n:regexp) = switch n . eq . store Rx.no_spaces