$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 tab, Sep
 tag, FAI_DiskConfig
 tag_spec, Sudoers
 target, Crypttab
 tcp_check, Test_Keepalived
 tcp_check_field, Keepalived
 tcp_listen_options, Rabbitmq
 terminal, Grub
 TEST a/c/e, Test_IniFile
 TEST a/c/f, Test_IniFile
 TEST a/d/e, Test_IniFile
 TEST a/d/f, Test_IniFile
 TEST b/c/e, Test_IniFile
 TEST b/c/f, Test_IniFile
 TEST b/d/e, Test_IniFile
 TEST b/d/f, Test_IniFile
 TEST list entries, Test_IniFile
 TEST multiline values, Test_IniFile
 test_user, Test_sudoers
 Tests, Lightdm
 Tests to run, Test_IniFile
 the valid values for schedules, Cron
 TITLE, Subversion
 Title definition
 title_ace, Test_IniFile
 title_acf, Test_IniFile
 title_ade, Test_IniFile
 title_adf, Test_IniFile
 title_bce, Test_IniFile
 title_bcf, Test_IniFile
 title_bde, Test_IniFile
 title_bdf, Test_IniFile
 title_label, IniFile
 to_com_chars, Sudoers
 to_com_dquot, Sudoers
 to_eol, Xorg
 token, Syslog
 Top of the tree, Syslog
 tpid, Channels
 transport, Postfix_Transport
 trim, Host_Conf
 tuple, Erlang
 tuple values, Test_Erlang
 type, Automaster
 type_label_lv, FAI_DiskConfig
let tab = del "\t"
Deletes a and default to a tab
let tag (re:regexp) = [ Util.del_str ":" . key re ]
A generic tag beginning with a colon
let tag_spec = [ label "tag" . store /(NO)?(PASSWD|EXEC|SETENV)/ . sep_col ]
Tag specification for spec
let target = Rx.device_name
let tcp_check = "virtual_server 22 { real_server 22 { TCP_CHECK { connect_timeout 3 connect_port 22 bindto } } } " test Keepalived.lns get tcp_check = { "virtual_server" { "ip" = "" } { "port" = "22" } { "real_server" { "ip" = "" } { "port" = "22" } { "TCP_CHECK" { "connect_timeout" = "3" } { "connect_port" = "22" } { "bindto" = "" } } } }
An example of a TCP health checker
let tcp_check_field = let word_re = "bindto" in let num_re = /connect_(timeout|port)/ in field word_re sto_word | field num_re sto_num
let tcp_listen_options = let value = Erlang.make_value Erlang.bare | Erlang.tuple Erlang.bare Erlang.bare in Erlang.list "tcp_listen_options" value
let terminal = [ command "terminal" "" . ([ spc . switch /dumb|no-echo|no-edit|silent/ ] |[ spc . switch_arg /timeout|lines/ ])* . [ spc . key /console|serial|hercules/ ]* . eol ]
Provides unit tests and examples for the Access lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the ActiveMQ_Conf lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the ActiveMQ_XML lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the AFS_cellalias lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Aliases lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Anacron lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Approx lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Apt_Update_Manager lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Authorized_Keys lens.
Provides unit tests for the BootConf lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Build lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Carbon lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Channels lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Chrony lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Collectd lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the CPanel lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Cups lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Dovecot lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Erlang lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the FAI_DiskConfig lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Fonts lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Fuse lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the GtkBookmarks lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Htpasswd lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the IniFile module.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Inputrc lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Iscsid lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the JettyRealm lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the JMXAccess lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the JMXPassword lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Kdump lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Keepalived lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Known_Hosts lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Koji lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Ldso lens.
Module to test Lightdm module for Augeas
Test cases for the login_defs lense
Provides unit tests and examples for the LVM lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the MCollective lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Memcached lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the MongoDBServer lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the NagiosCfg lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the NetworkManager lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Nginx lens.
Provides unit tests for the Ntpd lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the OpenShift_Config lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the OpenShift_Http lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the OpenShift_Quickstarts lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Postfix_Transport lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Postfix_Virtual lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Postgresql lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Protocols lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Puppet_Auth lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Puppetfile lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Qpid lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Quote lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Rabbitmq lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Redis lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Reprepro_Uploaders lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Rsyslog lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Simplelines lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Simplevars lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the SmbUsers lens.
Test cases for the sssd lense
Provides unit tests and examples for the Subversion lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Sysconfig_Route lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Sysctl lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Systemd lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Thttpd lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Up2date lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the UpdateDB lens.
test test_user get "root @pbuilder +secre-taries @my\ admin\ group EXAMPLE\\\\cslack MY\ EX-AMPLE\ 9\\\\cslack\ group " = { "user" = "root" } { "user" = "@pbuilder" } { "user" = "+secre-taries" } { "user" = "@my\\ admin\\ group" } { "user" = "EXAMPLE\\\\cslack" } { "user" = "MY\\ EX-AMPLE\\ 9\\\\cslack\\ group" } let conf = " Host_Alias LOCALNET =, localhost # User alias specification User_Alias EXAMPLE_ADMINS = cslack, EXAMPLE\\\\cslack,\ EXAMPLE\\\\jmalstrom # Cmnd alias specification Cmnd_Alias \ DEBIAN_TOOLS \ = \ /usr/bin/apt-get,\ /usr/bin/auto-get, \ /usr/bin/dpkg, /usr/bin/dselect, /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure \ : PBUILDER = /usr/sbin/pbuilder Cmnd_Alias ICAL = /bin/cat /home/rpinson/.kde/share/apps/korganizer/std.ics Defaults@LOCALNET !lecture, \ \t\t tty_tickets,!fqdn, !!env_reset Defaults !visiblepw Defaults:buildd env_keep+=\"APT_CONFIG DEBIAN_FRONTEND SHELL\" Defaults!PBUILDER env_keep+=\"HOME ARCH DIST DISTRIBUTION PDEBUILD_PBUILDER\" # User privilege specification root ALL=(ALL) ALL root ALL=(: ALL) ALL root ALL=(ALL :ALL) ALL # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL, NOPASSWD : NOSETENV: \ DEBIAN_TOOLS %pbuilder LOCALNET = NOPASSWD: PBUILDER www-data +biglab=(rpinson)NOEXEC: ICAL \ : \ localhost = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/
Provides unit tests and examples for the VMware_Config lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Xml lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Xymon_Alerting lens.
Provides unit tests and examples for the Yum lens.
The tests/test_lightdm.aug file contains unit tests.
The tests are run with all combinations of the following three parameters:
Parses Thttpd’s configuration files
let time = [ label "time" . minute . sep_spc . hour . sep_spc . dayofmonth . sep_spc . month . sep_spc . dayofweek ]
Time in the format “minute hour dayofmonth month dayofweek”
let time = kw_word "TIME"
The time filter definition
let title = IniFile.indented_title IniFile.record_re
Uses standard INI File title
let title = IniFile.title Rx.word
let title = IniFile.indented_title IniFile.record_re
let title = del /title[ \t=]+/ "title " . value_to_eol . eol
let title (kw:regexp) = Util.del_str "[" . key kw . Util.del_str "]". eol
Title for record.
let title = IniFile.title IniFile.record_re
An IniFile.title
let title = IniFile.title IniFile.entry_re
let title = IniFile.title IniFile.record_re
An IniFile.title
subversion doesn’t allow anonymous entries (outside sections)
let title_ace = IniFile.title IniFile.record_re
let title_acf = IniFile.title IniFile.record_re
let title_ade = IniFile.title IniFile.record_re
let title_adf = IniFile.title IniFile.record_re
let title_bce = IniFile.title IniFile.record_re
let title_bcf = IniFile.title IniFile.record_re
let title_bde = IniFile.title IniFile.record_re
let title_bdf = IniFile.title IniFile.record_re
let title_label (name:string) (kw:regexp) = label name . Util.del_str "[" . store kw . Util.del_str "]". eol
Title for record.
let to_com_chars = /[^",=#() \t\n\\]+/ (* " relax emacs *)
let to_com_dquot = /"[^",=#()\n\\]+"/ (* " relax emacs *)
let to_comment_re = /[^";# \t\n][^";#\n]*[^";# \t\n]|[^";# \t\n]/
Regex until comment
let to_comment_re = let to_comment_squote = /'[^\n']*'/ in let to_comment_dquote = /"[^\n"]*"/ in let to_comment_noquote = /[^\n \t'"#][^\n#]*[^\n \t#]|[^\n \t'"#]/ in to_comment_squote | to_comment_dquote | to_comment_noquote
The regexp to match the value
let to_eol = /[^ \t\n](.*[^ \t\n])?/
Match everything from here to eol, cropping whitespace at both ends
Support for multiline values like queries in dict-sql.conf
Things to add in the future
Create a tree for the database options
let token = /([A-Za-z0-9]+|\*)/
alphanum or “*”
let tpid = let tpid_bylang = [ label "tpid_bylang" . store Rx.integer . (equal . langs)? ] in field_int "tpid" . ( semicol . Build.opt_list tpid_bylang comma )?
let transport = [ label "transport" . (store Rx.word)? ] . colon . nexthop
let trim = let trim_list = Build.opt_list [seq "trim" . store Rx.word] (del /[:;,]/ ":") in Build.key_value_line "trim" trim_list
Parses Tuned’s configuration files
let tuple (one:lens) (two:lens) = [ rspace lbrace . label "tuple" . [ label "value" . one ] . lrspace comma . [ label "value" . two ] . lspace rbrace ]
A tuple of values
let type = Rx.word - /ldap/
yp, file, dir etc but not ldap
let type_label_lv = label "lv" . [ label "vg" . store (/[^# \t\n-]+/ - "raw") ] . Util.del_str "-" . [ label "name" . store /[^ \t\n]+/ ]