$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 echo, BootConf
 empty_c_style, Util
 empty_dos, Util
 empty_element, Test_Xml.Xml
 empty_generic_dos, Util
 empty_generic_re, Util
 empty_noindent, IniFile
 empty1, Test_Xml
 empty2, Test_Xml
 empty3, Test_Xml
 empty4, Test_Xml
 encrypt, FAI_DiskConfig
 entries_re, Xorg
 entry includes comments, IniFile
 entry_ace, Test_IniFile
 entry_acf, Test_IniFile
 entry_ade, Test_IniFile
 entry_adf, Test_IniFile
 entry_bce, Test_IniFile
 entry_bcf, Test_IniFile
 entry_bde, Test_IniFile
 entry_bdf, Test_IniFile
 entry_command, Systemd
 entry_command_flags, Systemd
 entry_command_kw, Systemd
 entry_env, Systemd
 entry_env_kw, Systemd
 entry_fn, Systemd
 entry_gen, Postgresql
 entry_generic_nocomment, IniFile
 entry_host, Automounter
 entry_int, Xorg
 entry_list, IniFile
 entry_list_nocomment, IniFile
 entry_location, Automounter
 entry_locations, Automounter
 entry_multi_kw, Systemd
 entry_multiline, IniFile
 entry_multiline_generic, IniFile
 entry_multiline_nocomment, IniFile
 entry_multimount, Automounter
 entry_multimount_sep, Automounter
 entry_multimounts, Automounter
 entry_options, Automounter
 entry_or_comment, Channels
 entry_path, Automounter
 entry_prefix, Cron
 entry_rgb, Xorg
 entry_single, Systemd
 entry_single_kw, Systemd
 entry_std, Subversion
 entry_sto, Mke2fs
 entry_str, Xorg
 entry_xy, Xorg
 env, Test_Systemd
 env_key, Systemd
 eol_comment, Systemd
 Exclusions, Util
 exec, Test_Systemd
let echo = Build.key_value_line "echo" space (store word)
echo [args]
let email = [ Util.indent . key "mailonchange" . space . [ label "emailaddress" . store email_addr ] . space . [ label "threshold" . store number ] . eol ]
mailonchange has specific syntax
let email = [ indent . label "email" . sto_email_addr . comment_or_eol ]
A simple email address entry
let email_addr = Rx.email_addr
let email_addr = /[A-Za-z0-9_+.-]+@[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+/
To be refined
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
An Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty_c_style
A C-style empty line
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
Map empty lines.
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty_generic Rx.opt_space
Comment are not allowed, even empty comments
let empty = empty_generic Rx.opt_space comment_re
Empty line
let empty = Util.empty
Map empty lines
let empty = [ del /#?[ \t]*\n/ "\n" ]
Map empty lines, including empty comments
let empty = IniFile.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = [ del /[ \t]*\*?[ \t]*\n/ "\n" ]
Map empty lines, including empty asterisk comments
let empty = IniFile.empty_noindent
An empty line or a non-indented empty comment
let empty = [ del /[ \t]*#?[ \t]*\n/ "\n" ]
Map empty lines
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = "keyword= " test Up2date.lns get empty = { "1" = "keyword" }
let empty = empty_generic empty_generic_re
Map empty lines, including empty comments
let empty = Util.empty
let empty = Util.empty
let empty_c_style = empty_generic /[ \t]*((\/\/)|(\/\*[ \t]*\*\/))?[ \t]*/
Map empty lines, including C-style empty comment
let empty_dos = empty_generic_dos /[ \t]*#?[ \t]*/
test Xml.empty_element get empty1 = { "a" = "#empty" }
let empty_entry = Build.key_value_line Rx.word Sep.equal Quote.dquote_opt_nil
let empty_entry = Build.key_value_line Rx.word Sep.equal blank_val
let empty_generic (indent:regexp) (comment_re:regexp) = Util.empty_generic_dos (indent . comment_re? . Rx.opt_space)
Empty line, including empty comments
let empty_generic (r:regexp) = [ del r "" . del_str "\n" ]
A generic definition of empty Map empty lines, including empty comments
let empty_generic_dos (r:regexp) = [ del r "" . del /\r?\n/ "\n" ]
A generic definition of empty with dos newlines Map empty lines, including empty comments
let empty_generic_re = /[ \t]*#?[ \t]*/
let empty_noindent = empty_generic "" comment_re
Empty line, without indentation
let empty1 = "<a/>"
let empty2 = "<a foo=\"bar\"/>"
let empty3 = "<a foo=\"bar\"></a>\n"
let empty4 = "<a foo=\"bar\" far=\"baz\"/>"
let encrypt = tag "encrypt"
encrypt tag
let entries = Build.key_value_line ("Explanation"|"Package"|"Pin-Priority") colon (store Rx.space_in) | pin | Util.comment
let entries = (empty | comment | entry)*
entries are either comments/empty lines or entries
let entries_re = /([oO]ption|[sS]creen|[iI]nput[dD]evice|[dD]river|[sS]ub[sS]ection|[dD]isplay|[iI]dentifier|[vV]ideo[rR]am|[dD]efault[dD]epth|[dD]evice)/
This is a list of all patterns which have specific handlers, and should therefore not be matched by the generic handler
let entry = IniFile.indented_entry entry_re sep comment
let entry = [ access . colon . user_list . (except user_list)? . colon . origin_list . (except origin_list)? . Util.eol ]
A valid entry line Definition:
let entry = Build.key_value_line Rx.word Sep.space_equal Quote.any_opt
let entry = [ label "target" . store target . space . [ label "linkname" . store linkname . eol ] ]
let entry = [ label "entry" . Util.indent . ( period | period_name ) . . delay . . job_identifier . . store Rx.space_in . Util.eol ]
An anacrontab entry
let entry = IniFile.entry Rx.word sep comment
let rec entry_noeol = let value = Util.del_str "\"" . store /[^"\n]+/ . del /";?/ "\";" in let opt_eol = del /[ \t\n]*/ "\n" in let long_eol = del /[ \t]*\n+/ "\n" in let list_elem = [ opt_eol . label "@elem" . value ] in let eol_comment = del /([ \t\n]*\n)?/ "" . comment in [ key name_re . . value ] | [ key name_re . del /[ \t\n]*\{/ " {" . ( (opt_eol . entry_noeol) | list_elem | eol_comment )* . del /[ \t\n]*\};?/ "\n};" ] | [ key name_re . Util.del_str "::" . entry_noeol ]
An apt.conf entry, recursive
let entry = [ seq "entry" . entry_mkey . Util.del_ws_tab . entry_options? . ( entry_locations | entry_multimounts ) . Util.eol ]
A single map entry from start to finish, including multi-mounts
let entry = IniFile.indented_entry IniFile.entry_re sep comment
let entry = [ label "entry" . store no_semicolon . (semicol . field_no_colon "provider")? . colon . field_int "frequency" . colon . field_word "parameter" . colon . field_word "signal_source" . colon . field_int "symbol_rate" . colon . vpid . colon . apid . colon . tpid . colon . caid . colon . field_int "sid" . colon . field_int "nid" . colon . field_int "tid" . colon . field_int "rid" . eol ]
let entry = [ label "entry" . indent . prefix? . ( time | schedule ) . sep_spc . user . sep_spc . store Rx.space_in . eol ]
A crontab entry
let entry = [ indent . key keys. eq . (Sep.opt_space . store value)? . eol ]
Map simple “key = value” entries including “key =” entries with empty value.
let entry = [ label "bookmark" . store Rx.no_spaces . ( . [ label "label" . store Rx.space_in ])? . Util.eol ]
let entry = bool ("multi"|"nospoof"|"spoofalert"|"reorder") | bool_warn "spoof" | list "order" "order" | trim
let entry = [ seq "line" . daemon_list . (except daemon_list)? . colon . client_list . (except client_list)? . ( (colon . option)+ | (colon . shell_command)? ) . Util.eol ]
let entry (kw:regexp) (sep:lens) (comment:lens) = entry_generic (key kw) sep comment_re comment
Generic INI File entry
let entry = let mapping = [ label "mapping" . store Rx.word ] in [ label "entry" . Util.del_str "\"" . store /[^" \t\n]+/ . Util.del_str "\":" . . mapping . Util.eol ]
An inputrc mapping entry
let entry = let alias = [ label "alias" . store Rx.neg1 ] in [ Util.indent . seq "entry" . store Rx.neg1 . (Sep.comma . Build.opt_list alias Sep.comma)? . . [ label "type" . store Rx.no_spaces ] . . [ label "key" . store Rx.no_spaces ] . Util.eol ]
A known_hosts entry
let entry (kw:regexp) (lns:lens) = Build.key_value_line kw sep lns
A generic entry for lens lns
let entry = alias | options | kv_line_command /install|remove/ | blacklist | config | softdep
let entry = Build.key_value_line Rx.word Sep.space_equal (store Rx.space_in)
let entry = param | macro
Define the accepted entries, such as param for regular configuration files, and macro for resources.cfg .
let entry = [ seq "network" . indent . [ label "network" . store Rx.ipv4 ] . sep . [ label "netmask" . store Rx.ipv4 ] . comment_or_eol ]
Network / netmask line
let entry = let alias = [ seq "alias" . store Rx.word ] in [ seq "network" . counter "alias" . [ label "name" . store Rx.word ] . [ . label "number" . store ipv4 ] . [ . label "aliases" . Build.opt_list alias ]? . (Util.eol|Util.comment) ]
let entry = [ key username . colon . password . uid . gid . name . home . shell . eol ]
struct passwd
let entry = entry_gen number | entry_gen word_opt_quot | entry_gen word_quot (* anything else *)
let entry = let protocol = [ label "protocol" . store protoname ] in let number = [ label "number" . store Rx.integer ] in let alias = [ label "alias" . store protoname ] in [ seq "protocol" . protocol . . number . ( . Build.opt_list alias . Util.comment_or_eol ]
let entry = Build.key_value_line Rx.word Sep.equal (store Rx.space_in)
let entry = [ key "allow" . . condition_list . . by . Util.eol ]
let entry = nameserver | domain | search | sortlist | options | lookup | family
let entry = [ label "entry" . Syslog.selectors . Syslog.sep_tab . [ label "action" . action ] . Util.eol ]
An entry contains selectors and an action
let entry = IniFile.entry (IniFile.entry_re - "description") sep comment | description
An IniFile.entry, or description
let entry = [ key word . colon . [ label "password" . sto_to_col? . colon ] . common . eol ]
let entry = let some_value = Sep.space_equal . store to_comment_re
let entry = let username = [ label "username" . store Rx.no_spaces ] in let usernames = Build.opt_list username in Build.key_value_line Rx.word Sep.space_equal usernames
let entry = let comma_list_re = "password-stores" in let space_list_re = "global-ignores" | "preserved-conflict-file-exts" in let std_re = /[^ \t\r\n\/=#]+/ - (comma_list_re | space_list_re) in entry_std | IniFile.entry_list_nocomment comma_list_re sep Rx.word Sep.comma | IniFile.entry_list_nocomment space_list_re sep Rx.no_spaces (del /(\r?\n)?[ \t]+/ " ")
let entry = [ store subnet . del /[ \t]*via[ \t]*/ " via " . key router . Util.del_str "\n" ]
One route
let entry = [ label "entry" . selectors . sep_tab . [ label "action" . action ] . eol ]
an entry contains selectors and an action
let entry = entry_single | entry_multi | entry_command | entry_env | comment
An IniFile.entry
test Reprepro_Uploaders.entry get "allow * by anybody\n" = { "allow" = "*" { "by" = "anybody" } }
A star condition gets mapped as direct value of the “allow” node.
let entry = [ seq "entry" . store key_re . Sep.equal . ( multi_entry | single_entry )? . Util.eol ]
let entry = Build.key_value_line Rx.word Sep.space_equal Quote.double_opt
subversion doesn’t support indented entries
let entry_ace = IniFile.entry IniFile.entry_re sep_ace comment_ace
let entry_acf = IniFile.entry IniFile.entry_re sep_acf comment_acf
let entry_ade = IniFile.entry IniFile.entry_re sep_ade comment_ade
let entry_adf = IniFile.entry IniFile.entry_re sep_adf comment_adf
let entry_bce = IniFile.entry IniFile.entry_re sep_bce comment_bce
let entry_bcf = IniFile.entry IniFile.entry_re sep_bcf comment_bcf
let entry_bde = IniFile.entry IniFile.entry_re sep_bde comment_bde
let entry_bdf = IniFile.entry IniFile.entry_re sep_bdf comment_bdf
Entry that takes a space separated set of values (the default)
let entry_command_flags = let exit = [ label "ignoreexit" . Util.del_str "-" ] in let arg0 = [ label "arg0" . Util.del_str "@" ] in exit? . arg0?
Exec* flags “@” and “-”.
let entry_command_kw = /Exec[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._-]+/
let entry_env = let envkv (env_val:lens) = key env_key . Util.del_str "=" . env_val
Entry that takes a space separated set of ENV=value key/value pairs
let entry_env_kw = "Environment"
let entry_fn (kw:regexp) (val:lens) = [ key kw . sep . val . (eol_comment|eol) ]
Prototype for our various key=value lines, with optional comment
let entry_gen (lns:lens) = Util.indent . Build.key_value_line_comment Rx.word sep lns Util.comment_eol
Builder to construct entries
let entry_generic (kw:lens) (sep:lens) (comment_re:regexp) (comment:lens) = entry_generic_nocomment kw sep comment_re comment | comment
A very generic INI File entry It allows to set the key lens (to set indentation or subnodes linked to the key) as well as the comment separator regexp, used to tune the store regexps.
let entry_generic = [ indent . key generic_entry_re . sep_spc . store to_eol . eol ]
An entry without a specific handler.
let entry_generic_nocomment (kw:lens) (sep:lens) (comment_re:regexp) (comment:lens) = let bare_re_noquot = (/[^" \t\r\n]/ - comment_re) in let bare_re = (/[^\r\n]/ - comment_re)+ in let no_quot = /[^"\r\n]*/ in let bare = Quote.do_dquote_opt_nil (store (bare_re_noquot . (bare_re* . bare_re_noquot)?)) in let quoted = Quote.do_dquote (store (no_quot . comment_re+ . no_quot)) in [ kw . sep . (Sep.opt_space . bare)? . (comment|eol) ] | [ kw . sep . Sep.opt_space . quoted . (comment|eol) ]
A very generic INI File entry, not including comments It allows to set the key lens (to set indentation or subnodes linked to the key) as well as the comment separator regexp, used to tune the store regexps.
let entry_host = [ label "host" . store hostname . ( Util.del_str "(" . [ label "weight" . store weight ] . Util.del_str ")" )? ]
Host component with optional weight of an entry location
let entry_int (canon:string) (re:regexp) = [ indent . del re canon . label canon . sep_spc . store int . eol ]
This matches an entry which takes a single integer for an argument
Key for a map entry
let entry_key = Rx.word
The key for an entry in the config file
let entry_list (kw:regexp) (sep:lens) (sto:regexp) (list_sep:lens) (comment:lens) = let list = counter "elem" . Build.opt_list [ seq "elem" . store sto ] list_sep in Build.key_value_line_comment kw sep (Sep.opt_space . list) comment
Generic INI File list entry
let entry_list_nocomment (kw:regexp) (sep:lens) (sto:regexp) (list_sep:lens) = let list = counter "elem" . Build.opt_list [ seq "elem" . store sto ] list_sep in Build.key_value_line kw sep (Sep.opt_space . list)
Generic INI File list entry without an end-of-line comment
let entry_location = ( entry_host . ( Sep.comma . entry_host )* )? . Sep.colon . entry_path
A single location with one or more hosts, and one path
let entry_locations = [ label "location" . counter "location" . [ seq "location" . entry_location ] . ( [ Util.del_ws_spc . seq "location" . entry_location ] )* ]
Multiple locations (each with one or more hosts), separated by spaces
let entry_multi_kw = let forbidden = entry_single_kw | entry_command_kw | entry_env_kw in /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._-]+/ - forbidden
let entry_multiline (kw:regexp) (sep:lens) (comment:lens) = entry_multiline_generic (key kw) sep comment_re comment (comment|eol)
Generic multiline INI File entry
let entry_multiline_generic (kw:lens) (sep:lens) (comment_re:regexp) (comment:lens) (eol:lens) = let newline = /\r?\n[ \t]+/ in let bare = let word_re_noquot = (/[^" \t\r\n]/ - comment_re)+ in let word_re = (/[^\r\n]/ - comment_re)+ in let base_re = (word_re_noquot . (word_re* . word_re_noquot)?) in let sto_re = base_re . (newline . base_re)* | (newline . base_re)+ in Quote.do_dquote_opt_nil (store sto_re) in let quoted = let no_quot = /[^"\r\n]*/ in let base_re = (no_quot . comment_re+ . no_quot) in let sto_re = base_re . (newline . base_re)* | (newline . base_re)+ in Quote.do_dquote (store sto_re) in [ kw . sep . (Sep.opt_space . bare)? . eol ] | [ kw . sep . Sep.opt_space . quoted . eol ] | comment
A very generic multiline INI File entry It allows to set the key lens (to set indentation or subnodes linked to the key) as well as the comment separator regexp, used to tune the store regexps.
let entry_multiline_nocomment (kw:regexp) (sep:lens) (comment:lens) = entry_multiline_generic (key kw) sep comment_re comment eol
Generic multiline INI File entry without an end-of-line comment
let entry_multimount = entry_mkey . Util.del_ws_tab . entry_options? . entry_locations
Parses one of many mountpoints given for a multimount line
let entry_multimount_sep = del /[ \t]+(\\\\[ \t]*\n[ \t]+)?/ " "
Separator for multimount entries, permits line spanning with “\”
let entry_multimounts = [ label "mount" . counter "mount" . [ seq "mount" . entry_multimount ] . ( [ entry_multimount_sep . seq "mount" . entry_multimount ] )* ]
Parses multiple mountpoints given on an entry line
let entry_options = Util.del_str "-" . comma_sep_list "opt" . Util.del_ws_tab
let entry_or_comment = entry | comment
let entry_path = [ label "path" . store path ]
Path component of an entry location
let entry_prefix = /-/
let entry_re = /path|allow|deny/
Regexp for possible entry keyword (path, allow, deny)
let entry_re = ( /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._-]*/ )
Default regexp for entry keyword
let entry_re = /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9:._\(\) \t-]+/
let entry_rgb (canon:string) (re:regexp) = [ indent . del re canon . label canon . [ label "red" . sep_spc . store int ] . [ label "green" . sep_spc . store int ] . [ label "blue" . sep_spc . store int ] . eol ]
This matches an entry which takes 3 integers as arguments representing red, green and blue components
let entry_single = entry_fn entry_single_kw [ label "value" . sto_value_single ]?
Entry that takes a single value containing spaces
let entry_single_kw = "Description"
let entry_std = IniFile.entry_multiline_generic (key std_re) sep "#" comment IniFile.eol
A standard entry Similar to a IniFile.entry_multiline_nocomment entry, but allows ‘;’
let entry_sto (kw:regexp) (val:regexp) = entry kw (store val)
Store a regexp as entry value
let entry_str (canon:string) (re:regexp) = [ indent . del re canon . label canon . sep_spc . quoted_string_val . eol ]
This matches an entry which takes a single quoted string
let entry_value = /[A-Za-z0-9_.-:%]+/
The value for an entry may contain all sorts of things
let entry_value = [ label "value" . sto_value ]
Store a value that doesn’t contain spaces
let entry_xy (canon:string) (re:regexp) = [ indent . del re canon . label canon . [ label "x" . sep_spc . store int ] . [ label "y" . sep_spc . store int ] . eol ]
This matches an entry which takes 2 integers as arguments representing X and Y coordinates
let env_key = /[A-Za-z0-9_]+(\[[0-9]+\])?/
let eol = IniFile.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
An Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
And Util.eol end of line
let eol = Util.del_str "\n"
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.doseol
End of line, inherited from Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.del_str "\n"
Only eol, don’t include whitespace
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = del /[ \t]*(#)?[ \t]*\n/ "\n"
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = del /[ \t]*\n/ "\n"
Delete end of line, including optional trailing whitespace
let eol = Util.eol
let eol = Util.eol
An IniFile.comment entry for standalone comment lines (; or #)
let eq = del /[ \t]*=/ " ="
let eq = dels "="
let equal = Sep.equal
let equal = del /[ \t]*=[ \t]*/ " = "
let equal = Util.del_str "="
let equal = Sep.equal
Parses Erlang configuration files
The Test_Access file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Aliases file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Anacron file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Approx file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Apt_Update_Manager file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Authorized_Keys file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Automaster file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Automounter file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Cachefilesd file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Channels file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Collectd file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_CPanel file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Cups file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Dovecot file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Erlang file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_FAI_DiskConfig file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Fonts file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Fuse file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_GtkBookmarks file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_IniFile file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Inputrc file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Keepalived file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_LVM file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_MongoDBServer file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_NetworkManager file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Nginx file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_OpenShift_Config file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_OpenShift_Http file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_OpenShift_Quickstarts file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Postfix_Transport file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Postfix_Virtual file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Postgresql file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Protocols file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Puppet_Auth file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Puppetfile file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Qpid file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Quote file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Rabbitmq file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Reprepro_Uploaders file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Rsyslog file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Simplelines file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Simplevars file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_SmbUsers file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Splunk file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Subversion file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Sysconfig_Route file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Sysctl file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Up2date file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_UpdateDB file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Vfstab file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_VMware_Config file contains various examples and tests.
The Test_Xymon_Alerting file contains various examples and tests.
let except (lns:lens) = [ label "except" . . del /[Ee][Xx][Cc][Ee][Pp][Tt]/ "EXCEPT" . . lns ]
The except operator makes it possible to write very compact rules.
let except (lns:lens) = [ label "except" . . del /except/i "EXCEPT" . . lns ]
The except operator makes it possible to write very compact rules.
let exec = "[Service] ExecStart=/bin/ls ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR1 $MAINPID ExecStart=/sbin/rpcbind -w ExecStartPost=/bin/systemctl disable firstboot-graphical.service firstboot-text.service ExecStartPre=/sbin/modprobe -qa $SUPPORTED_DRIVERS ExecStop=/usr/sbin/aiccu stop ExecStopPost=-/bin/systemctl poweroff ExecStopPost=@/bin/systemctl poweroff ExecStopPost=-@/bin/systemctl poweroff ExecStopPost=/bin/systemctl\ poweroff "
Parses /etc/exports