Parses channels.conf files
Author: Raphael Pinson rap@gmai hink
Channels | Parses channels.conf files |
Reference | See |
License | This file is licenced under the LGPL v2+, like the rest of Augeas. |
Lens Usage | To be documented |
Configuration files | This lens applies to channels.conf files. |
Examples | The Test_Channels file contains various examples and tests. |
eol | |
comment | |
equal | |
colon | |
comma | |
semicol | |
plus | |
arroba | |
no_colon | |
no_semicolon | |
field | A generic field |
field_no_colon | A field storing no_colon |
field_int | A field storing Rx.integer |
field_word | A field storing Rx.word |
vpid | |
langs | |
apid | |
tpid | |
caid | |
entry | |
entry_or_comment | |
group | |
lns |
The Test_Channels file contains various examples and tests.
let field_int (name:string) = field name Rx.integer
A field storing Rx.integer
let apid = let codec = [ arroba . label "codec" . store Rx.integer ] in let options = equal . ( (langs . codec?) | codec ) in let apid_entry (lbl:string) = [ label lbl . store Rx.integer . options? ] in Build.opt_list (apid_entry "apid") comma . ( semicol . Build.opt_list (apid_entry "apid_dolby") comma )?
let entry = [ label "entry" . store no_semicolon . (semicol . field_no_colon "provider")? . colon . field_int "frequency" . colon . field_word "parameter" . colon . field_word "signal_source" . colon . field_int "symbol_rate" . colon . vpid . colon . apid . colon . tpid . colon . caid . colon . field_int "sid" . colon . field_int "nid" . colon . field_int "tid" . colon . field_int "rid" . eol ]
let eol = Util.eol
let comment = Util.comment_generic /;[ \t]*/ "; "
let equal = Sep.equal
let colon = Sep.colon
let comma = Sep.comma
let semicol = Util.del_str ";"
let plus = Util.del_str "+"
let arroba = Util.del_str "@"
let no_colon = /[^: \t\n][^:\n]*[^: \t\n]|[^:\n]/
let no_semicolon = /[^;\n]+/
A generic field
let field (name:string) (sto:regexp) = [ label name . store sto ]
A field storing no_colon
let field_no_colon (name:string) = field name no_colon
A field storing Rx.integer
let field_int (name:string) = field name Rx.integer
One or more digits
let integer = /[0-9]+/
A field storing Rx.word
let field_word (name:string) = field name Rx.word
An alphanumeric string
let word = /[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+/
let vpid = let codec = [ equal . label "codec" . store Rx.integer ] in let vpid_entry (lbl:string) = [ label lbl . store Rx.integer . codec? ] in vpid_entry "vpid" . ( plus . vpid_entry "vpid_pcr" )?
let langs = let lang = [ label "lang" . store Rx.word ] in Build.opt_list lang plus
let apid = let codec = [ arroba . label "codec" . store Rx.integer ] in let options = equal . ( (langs . codec?) | codec ) in let apid_entry (lbl:string) = [ label lbl . store Rx.integer . options? ] in Build.opt_list (apid_entry "apid") comma . ( semicol . Build.opt_list (apid_entry "apid_dolby") comma )?
let tpid = let tpid_bylang = [ label "tpid_bylang" . store Rx.integer . (equal . langs)? ] in field_int "tpid" . ( semicol . Build.opt_list tpid_bylang comma )?
let caid = let caid_entry = [ label "caid" . store Rx.word ] in Build.opt_list caid_entry comma
let entry = [ label "entry" . store no_semicolon . (semicol . field_no_colon "provider")? . colon . field_int "frequency" . colon . field_word "parameter" . colon . field_word "signal_source" . colon . field_int "symbol_rate" . colon . vpid . colon . apid . colon . tpid . colon . caid . colon . field_int "sid" . colon . field_int "nid" . colon . field_int "tid" . colon . field_int "rid" . eol ]
let entry_or_comment = entry | comment
let group = [ Util.del_str ":" . label "group" . store no_colon . eol . entry_or_comment* ]
let lns = entry_or_comment* . group*