
Provides unit tests and examples for the Qpid lens.

Augeas Variables


let qpidd = "# Configuration file for qpidd. Entries are of the form:  #   name=value  # (Note: no spaces on either side of '='). Using default settings: # \"qpidd --help\" or \"man qpidd\" for more details. cluster-mechanism=ANONYMOUS auth=no max-connections=22000 syslog-name=qpidd1 "

Augeas Tests


test Qpid.lns get qpidd = { "#comment" = "Configuration file for qpidd. Entries are of the form:" } { "#comment" = "name=value" } { } { "#comment" = "(Note: no spaces on either side of '='). Using default settings:" } { "#comment" = "\"qpidd --help\" or \"man qpidd\" for more details." } { "cluster-mechanism" = "ANONYMOUS" } { "auth" = "no" } { "max-connections" = "22000" } { "syslog-name" = "qpidd1" }

Augeas Variables


let qpidc = "# Configuration file for the qpid c++ client library. Entries are of # the form: #   name=value ssl-cert-db=/root/certs/server_db ssl-port=5674  "

Augeas Tests


test Qpid.lns get qpidc = { "#comment" = "Configuration file for the qpid c++ client library. Entries are of" } { "#comment" = "the form:" } { "#comment" = "name=value" } { } { "ssl-cert-db" = "/root/certs/server_db" } { "ssl-port" = "5674" }
Parses Apache Qpid daemon/client configuration files
let qpidd = "# Configuration file for qpidd. Entries are of the form:  #   name=value  # (Note: no spaces on either side of '='). Using default settings: # \"qpidd --help\" or \"man qpidd\" for more details. cluster-mechanism=ANONYMOUS auth=no max-connections=22000 syslog-name=qpidd1 "
test Qpid.lns get qpidd = { "#comment" = "Configuration file for qpidd. Entries are of the form:" } { "#comment" = "name=value" } { } { "#comment" = "(Note: no spaces on either side of '='). Using default settings:" } { "#comment" = "\"qpidd --help\" or \"man qpidd\" for more details." } { "cluster-mechanism" = "ANONYMOUS" } { "auth" = "no" } { "max-connections" = "22000" } { "syslog-name" = "qpidd1" }
let qpidc = "# Configuration file for the qpid c++ client library. Entries are of
# the form:
#   name=value
