U | |
uid | |
ul1, Test_Xml | |
unit, Test_Systemd | |
unmatched, Xymon_Alerting | |
Unsupported syntax | |
Up2date | |
UpdateDB | |
uri, Aptsources | |
Usage Example | |
Useful primitives, Access | |
USEFUL PRIMITIVES GlobalAFS_cellaliasAliasesAptConfAutomasterAutomounterCachefilesdcgrulesChannelsClamAVCronCrypttabDovecotFAI_DiskConfigGrubHosts_AccessIniFileKdumpKeepalivedLdifMailscannerMasterPasswdMke2fsModprobeNetmasksNslcdNsswitchPamConfPasswdPgbouncerPylonsPasteResolvSchrootServicesSolaris_SystemSshSudoersSysconfig_RouteSyslogSystemdTmpfilesTrapperkeeperUp2dateXorgXymon_Alerting | |
user | |
user_alias, Sudoers | |
user_allow_other, Fuse | |
user_list, Access | |
user_re, Access | |
user_record, cgrules | |
username, Postfix_Passwordmap | |
users | |
Util | |
Utilities lens, Test_Xml | |
Utility variables/ |
let uid = [ label "uid" . store integer . colon ]
let uid = [ label "uid" . store integer . colon ]
let ul1 = " <ul> <li>test1</li> <li>test2</li> <li>test3</li> <li>test4</li> </ul> " test Xml.doc get ul1 = { "ul" { "#text" = " " } { "li" { "#text" = "test1" } } { "#text" = " " } { "li" { "#text" = "test2" } } { "#text" = " " } { "li" { "#text" = "test3" } } { "#text" = " " } { "li" { "#text" = "test4" } } }
let unit = "# This file is part of systemd. # # See systemd.special(7) for details .include /etc/example [Unit] Description=Locale Service # Add another file .include /etc/example [Service] ExecStart=/lib/systemd/systemd-localed Type=dbus BusName=org.freedesktop.locale1 CapabilityBoundingSet= "
The unmatched recipient definition
let unmatched = flag_filters_opt "UNMATCHED"
let uri = let protocol = /[a-z+]+:/ in let path = /\/[^] \t]*/ in let path_brack = /\[[^]]+\]\/?/ in protocol? . path | protocol . path_brack
user can be a username, username@hostname or a group
let user = [ label "user" . ( store user_re | store Rx.word . Util.del_str "@" . [ label "host" . store Rx.word ] ) ]
let user = [ label "user" . store Rx.word ]
TODO: support for quoted strings
let user = comma_sep_list "user"
User_Alias, see alias_field
let user_alias = alias_entry "User_Alias" "user" sto_to_com
let user_allow_other = Build.flag_line "user_allow_other"
A list of users or netgroups to apply the rule to
let user_list = Build.opt_list (user|group|netgroup) Sep.space
Regex for user/netgroup fields
let user_re = identifier_re - /[Ee][Xx][Cc][Ee][Pp][Tt]/
let user_record = generic_record "user" (store name)
let username = [ label "username" . word ]
a list of users or a “*”
let users = label_opt_list_or "user" (store word) comma "*"