$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 access, Access
 access_entry, JMXAccess
 action, Syslog
 address, Pg_Hba
 admin, Gshadow
 admin_list, Gshadow
 age, Tmpfiles
 alias_entry, Sudoers
 alias_entry_single, Sudoers
 alias_field, Sudoers
 alias_list, Sudoers
 alias_name, Sudoers
 ALIASES, Sudoers
 All but, Rx
 all_flags, Chrony
 allow, Reprepro_Uploaders
 allow file, Test_Simplelines.cron
 allowdeny, Chrony
 allowdeny_types, Chrony
 alpha, Cron
 alphanum, Cron
 anchor, Yaml
 any_opt_re, Quote
 apid, Channels
 argument, Tmpfiles
 array, Trapperkeeper
 array_norec, Toml
 arroba, Channels
 att_def1, Test_Xml
 att_def2, Test_Xml
 att_def3, Test_Xml
 att_list_def, Test_Xml.Xml
 attr_changetype, Ldif
 attr_description, Ldif
 attr_dn, Ldif
 attr_dn_value, Ldif
 attr_include, Ldif
 attr_modspec, Ldif
 attr_option, Ldif
 attr_type, Ldif
 attr_val_spec, Ldif
 attr_version, Ldif
 attr1, Test_Xml
 attr2, Test_Xml
 attributes, Test_Xml.Xml
 Attributes, Test_Xml
 Augeas Lenses
 Augeas Tests
 Augeas Variables
 auth, Puppet_Auth
 authorized_key, Authorized_Keys
let access = label "access" . store /[+-]/
Allow (+) or deny (-) access
Parses /etc/security/access.conf
let access_entry = [ label "user" . [ label "username" . store Rx.word ] . . [ label "access" . store /(readonly|readwrite)/i ] . Util.eol ]
ActiveMQ / FuseMQ conf module for Augeas
ActiveMQ / FuseMQ XML module for Augeas
let address = [ label "address" . store ipaddr_or_hostname ]
let address_re = Rx.ip | Rx.hostname
let address_re = Rx.ip | /\*/ | Rx.hostname
let admin = [ label "admin" . store word ]
let admin_list = Build.opt_list admin comma
the admin_list is a comma separated list of users allowed to change the group’s password and the member_list
Parses AFS configuration file CellAlias
let age = /(-|(~?[0-9]+(s|m|min|h|d|w|ms|us|((second|minute|hour|day|week|millisecond|microsecond)s?))?)+)/
“-”, or one of the formats seen in the manpage: 10d, 5seconds, 1y5days.
let alias = let modulename = [ label "modulename" . sto_no_spaces ] in Build.key_value_line_comment "alias" sep_space (sto_no_spaces . sep_space . modulename) comment
let alias = [ label "alias" . store word_re ]
let alias = user_alias | runas_alias | host_alias | cmnd_alias
Every kind of Alias entry, see user_alias, runas_alias, host_alias and cmnd_alias
let alias_entry (kw:string) (field:string) (sto:lens) = [ indent . key kw . sep_cont . alias_entry_single field sto . ( sep_col . alias_entry_single field sto )* . comment_or_eol ]
Alias entry, a list of comma-separated alias_entry_single fields
let alias_entry_single (field:string) (sto:lens) = [ label "alias" . alias_name . sep_eq . alias_list field sto ]
Single alias_entry, named using alias_name and listing alias_list
let alias_field (kw:string) (sto:lens) = [ label kw . sto ]
Generic alias field to gather all Alias definitions
let alias_list (kw:string) (sto:lens) = Build.opt_list (alias_field kw sto) sep_com
List of alias_fields, separated by commas
let alias_name = [ label "name" . store /[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*/ ]
Name of an alias_entry_single
Parses /etc/aliases
let all_flags = [ Util.indent . key flags . eol ]
options without any arguments
let allow = [ key "allow" . . condition_list . . by . Util.eol ]
let allowdeny = [ Util.indent . key allowdeny_types . [ space . key "all" ]? . ( space . store ( no_space - "all" ) )? . eol ]
allow/deny/cmdallow/cmddeny has a specific syntax
let allowdeny_types = "allow"|"deny"|"cmdallow"|"cmddeny"
Key names for access configuration
let alpha = /[A-Za-z]{3}/
let alphanum = (num|alpha) . ("-" . (num|alpha))?
Parses Anaconda’s user interaction configuration files.
Parses /etc/anacrontab
let anchor = Util.del_str "&" . val
let any = Rx.no_spaces
let any = let body = store /[^\n]*/ in do_quote body
A quoted value
let any = [ label "any" . Quote.any ]
let any_opt = let body = store any_opt_re in do_quote_opt body
An optionally quoted value Double or single quotes are not allowed in value Value cannot begin or end with spaces
let any_opt = [ label "any_opt" . Quote.any_opt ]
let any_opt_re = /[^\n\t "']([^\n"']*[^\n\t "'])?/
The regexp to store when value is optionally single- or double-quoted
let apid = let codec = [ arroba . label "codec" . store Rx.integer ] in let options = equal . ( (langs . codec?) | codec ) in let apid_entry (lbl:string) = [ label lbl . store Rx.integer . options? ] in Build.opt_list (apid_entry "apid") comma . ( semicol . Build.opt_list (apid_entry "apid_dolby") comma )?
let application (name:regexp) (parameter:lens) = list name parameter
Parses /etc/approx/approx.conf
Parses files in /etc/update-manager
Lens for config files like the one found in /etc/apt-cacher-ng/security.conf
Parses /etc/apt/apt.conf and /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/*
Apt/preferences module for Augeas
Parsing /etc/apt/sources.list
let argument = /([^# \t\n][^#\n]*[^# \t\n]|[^# \t\n])/
The last field.
let array = let lbrack = Util.del_str "[" in let rbrack = Util.del_str "]" in let opt_space = del /[ \t]*/ "" in let comma = opt_space . Util.del_str "," . opt_space
test Toml.array_norec get "[ ]" = { "array" {} }
Empty array
let arroba = Util.del_str "@"
let att_def1 = "<!ATTLIST termdef id ID #REQUIRED name CDATA #IMPLIED>"
let att_def2 = "<!ATTLIST list type (bullets|ordered|glossary) \"ordered\">"
let att_def3 = "<!ATTLIST form method CDATA #FIXED \"POST\">"
test Xml.att_list_def get att_def1 = { "!ATTLIST" = "termdef" { "1" { "#name" = "id" } { "#type" = "ID" } { "#REQUIRED" } } { "2" { "#name" = "name" } { "#type" = "CDATA" } { "#IMPLIED" } } }
let attr_changetype (t:regexp) = key /changeType/i . sep_colon . store t . eol
let attr_description = key attr_type . attr_option*
Attribute name, possibly with options
let attr_dn = del /dn/i "dn" . ( attr_safe_string | attr_base64_string ) . eol
dn-spec = “dn:” (FILL distinguishedName / “:” FILL base64-distinguishedName)
let attr_dn_value (k:regexp) = [ key k . ( attr_safe_string | attr_base64_string ) . eol ]
Parses an attribute line with a DN on the RHS Parameters: k:regexp - match attribute name as key
let attr_include = eol . [ key "include" . sep_colon . store /[^ \t\n][^\n]*/ . eol . comment* . eol ]
OpenLDAP extension, must be separated by blank lines
let attr_modspec = key /add|delete|replace/ . sep_colon . store attr_type . attr_option* . eol
let attr_option = Util.del_str ";" . [ label "@option" . store /[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/ ]
options = option / (option “;” options)
let attr_type = ldapoid_re | /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*/ - /dn/i - /changeType/i - /include/i
AttributeType = ldap-oid / (ALPHA *(attr-type-chars))
let attr_val_spec = [ attr_description . ( attr_safe_string | attr_base64_string | attr_url_string ) . eol ]
Generic attribute with a value
let attr_version = Build.key_value_line "version" sep_colon (store /[0-9]+/)
version-spec = “version:” FILL version-number
let attr1 = " attr1=\"value1\" attr2=\"value2\""
let attr2 = " attr2=\"foo\""
test Xml.attributes get attr1 = { "#attribute" { "attr1" = "value1" } { "attr2" = "value2" } }
let auth = [ Util.indent . Build.xchg /auth(enticated)?/ "auth" "auth" . . store /yes|no|on|off|any/ . Util.comment_or_eol ]
An authentication stanza
let authorized_key = [ label "key" . (key_options . . key_type . . store Rx.no_spaces . ( . key_comment)? . Util.eol ]
Parses SSH authorized_keys
test Authorized_Keys.lns get "tunnel=\"0\",no-agent-forwarding,command=\"sh /etc/netstart tun0\",permitopen=\"\",permitopen=\"\" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA3RC8whKGFx+b7BMTFtnIWl6t/qyvOvnuqIrMNI9J8+1sEYv8Y/pJRh0vAe2RaSKAgB2hyzXwSJ1Fh+ooraUAJ+q7P2gg2kQF1nCFeGVjtV9m4ZrV5kZARcQMhp0Bp67tPo2TCtnthPYZS/YQG6u/6Aco1XZjPvuKujAQMGSgqNskhKBO9zfhhkAMIcKVryjKYHDfqbDUCCSNzlwFLts3nJ0Hfno6Hz+XxuBIfKOGjHfbzFyUQ7smYnzF23jFs4XhvnjmIGQJcZT4kQAsRwQubyuyDuqmQXqa+2SuQfkKTaPOlVqyuEWJdG2weIF8g3YP12czsBgNppz3jsnhEgstnQ== rpinson on rpinson\n" = { "key" = "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA3RC8whKGFx+b7BMTFtnIWl6t/qyvOvnuqIrMNI9J8+1sEYv8Y/pJRh0vAe2RaSKAgB2hyzXwSJ1Fh+ooraUAJ+q7P2gg2kQF1nCFeGVjtV9m4ZrV5kZARcQMhp0Bp67tPo2TCtnthPYZS/YQG6u/6Aco1XZjPvuKujAQMGSgqNskhKBO9zfhhkAMIcKVryjKYHDfqbDUCCSNzlwFLts3nJ0Hfno6Hz+XxuBIfKOGjHfbzFyUQ7smYnzF23jFs4XhvnjmIGQJcZT4kQAsRwQubyuyDuqmQXqa+2SuQfkKTaPOlVqyuEWJdG2weIF8g3YP12czsBgNppz3jsnhEgstnQ==" { "options" { "tunnel" = "0" } { "no-agent-forwarding" } { "command" = "sh /etc/netstart tun0" } { "permitopen" = "" } { "permitopen" = "" } } { "type" = "ssh-rsa" } { "comment" = "rpinson on rpinson" } }
Parses autofs’ auto.master files
Parses automounter file based maps
Avahi module for Augeas